MWall541 / Wyrmroost

Github Repostory for the Wyrmroost Minecraft Mod.
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Royal Red dead by TREES !!! #286

Open alfonsan opened 3 years ago

alfonsan commented 3 years ago

Today I went with my Royal Red to a swamp village for some random stuff, once I landed (clean space) I walked a few units back and sudenly the dmg sound plays, I inmediately jumped forward and saw my Royal Red at 30% of hps, I was scared of what caused so much dmg to such a mighty creature, BUT, the only thing there was... A TREE. Nothing else, no creature, no drops, just a random swamp tree.

I took it home and healed normally. I decided to search for a jungle by foot, but during the trip (8k units) I found a second Royal Red, I tammed it, and start travelling with him when I casually spotted a place where 4 towns from 4 different biomes where less than 20 chunks away, I landed close to a tree and... pooooof, instadeath, the Royal Red disappeared, dead, no mobs, no creatures, no attack, A TREE, a random swamp tree partially touched it (not landed against it) and instakilled the "mighty" royal red.

I have to say that I play with the "passable foliage" mod on (, but man, something needs to be corrected. Such a mighty creature cannot die sooo easily. Im not going to play with my other Royal Red until this gets patched, they feel sooooo vulnerable now! Any accidental touch with a tree may insta kill it!!!

Minecraft-Gaming256 commented 2 years ago

Op trees