MWall541 / Wyrmroost

Github Repostory for the Wyrmroost Minecraft Mod.
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Stereo sounds have issues. #302

Open ZephaniahNoah opened 3 years ago

ZephaniahNoah commented 3 years ago

The audio engine minecraft uses is kind of weird. If your .ogg files aren't mono then they won't play directionally. For example, the rooststalker sounds play at the same volume level in both ears at any distance. Turning so that the dragon is to your left won't play the sound in the left ear. It plays in both. This resourcepack fixes it. All I did was merge the audio channels into one.

GundunUkan commented 3 years ago

Known issue, planned to be fixed next update. Most newer dragons have mono sounds but the older ones are from a time when I had 0 clue how to use Audacity lol

MWall541 commented 3 years ago

Reopening; currently isn't fixed.