MX-Linux / build-iso-mx

antix build-iso system with settings for mx
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Testing of the uploading process #53

Open jhsu802701 opened 1 year ago

jhsu802701 commented 1 year ago

This can only be done by someone who is authorized. I'm not authorized, so I cannot do this.

The ultimate goal is to be able to use GitHub Workflows to automatically generate the MX Linux ISOs and upload them. I'm currently working on the former part.

Something to do in the interim is to allow GitHub Workflows to upload small test files to SourceForge and place the badge in the file.

The things to do:

  1. Create a new project in SourceForge, perhaps mx-linux-test. This is for all automated uploads from GitHub Workflows.
  2. Add "tmp*" to the .gitignore file.
  3. Add a script (scripts/upload-setup) consisting of the following code (and replace YOUR_USERNAME):

NOTE: set -o pipefail is needed to ensure that any error or failure causes the whole pipeline to fail.

Without this specification, the CI status will provide a false sense of security by showing builds

as succeeding in spite of errors or failures.

set -eo pipefail

Creating the test file to upload

mkdir -p tmp0 TIME_STAMP=date -u +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S echo "$TIME_STAMP" > tmp0/timestamp.txt


Use default path name for SSH key files.

Use no password for the SSH key files.

Piping in the newline character means automatically pressing enter.

echo 'STEP 1: generating the SSH key' ssh-keygen -t "$TYPE" -N '' -f "$PATHNAME_PRIVATE" -C '' <<<$'\n'

No password needed to log in.

echo 'STEP 2: ssh-keyscan'
ssh-keyscan -H >> "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts"

echo 'STEP 3: Go to .' echo "Copy the contents of $PATHNAME_PUBLIC to SSH Public Keys and" echo 'click on "Save".' echo 'Press Enter when finished.' read

echo '' echo 'STEP 4: uploading tmp0/timestamp.txt' rsync -avPz -e ssh "tmp0/timestamp.txt"$MX_VERSION/

echo '' echo "If all went well, the last step (uploading tmp0/timestamp.txt)" echo 'proceeded without any input from you.' echo '' echo 'STEP 5: Configuring GitHub.' echo ' Go to this repository in GitHub.' echo ' Go to Settings -> Secrets -> Actions' echo ' Copy and paste the contents from your SSH files into the repository secrets.' echo ' Add any required repository secrets that are not already present.' echo ' For the repository secrets that are already present, you must update them.' echo ' * Use the chart below as a reference.' echo '' echo 'Repository Secret | File Contents' echo '------------------|----------------------' echo "SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS | $PATHNAME_KNOWN_HOSTS" echo '-----------------------------------------' echo "SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | $PATHNAME_PRIVATE" echo '-----------------------------------------' echo "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY | $PATHNAME_PUBLIC" echo '-----------------------------------------' echo '' echo 'STEP 6: Run the GitHub Workflow. If all goes well, the initial test upload works,' echo 'which means that you have completed the SSH configuration.' echo ''

4.  Run the above script.  If you don't want to replace your SSH keys, just follow all the steps in the above script manually (except 1 through 3, of course).
5.  Add another GitHub Workflows process to regularly make small test uploads to SourceForge.  I'll get into that in a comment below.
AdrianTM commented 1 year ago

Let's take a step back, let's discuss what we want to achieve and whether we really want to do that in the first place.

Personally, I don't think building ISOs every time there's a script update and upload them automatically to SourceForge (or any other place) is desirable. Do I understand that correctly? Would this be triggered automatically by any script update, or we'll have control when the build is triggered? Also, our official builds require manual interaction and custom .debs that are not placed in Github repo, what would be the purpose to create unpolished ISOs and push them to SourceForge, just for testing?

One more question, since I'm familiar at all with CI backend, do we get that kind of power, networks use and storage for free? It's a lot of data and processing power can you please provide some info about the availability and any potential costs of such setup? I don't want to have our account suspended... (maybe it's just a silly worry).

@dolphinoracle any opinion about this subject?

dolphinoracle commented 1 year ago

at the moment the workflows are triggered on any update of the git repo, I think, plus a scheduled run.

I'm leery of connecting github to the sourceforge account. if the isos are built but not uploaded, where do they go?

I'm also leery of "nigthlies". I don't want to support them, and in our dev model, they aren't necessary.

I'm conservative by nature of our build system, an attitude that has served us well over the last several years. I am interested in the workflows concept, but I'm wondering if its more appropriate for building software packages rather than the whole iso.

jhsu802701 commented 1 year ago

Some ideas on the frequency of uploading ISO files:

jhsu802701 commented 1 year ago

Even if you prefer manual uploads from your local machine, there are still good reasons to use continuous integration, which is why I've been working on this. These reasons are:

  1. If something in the process breaks (whether due to a code change or something upstream), using continuous integration limits the time lag between the problem cropping up and the team finding out about it.
  2. Continuous integration provides a good common reference setup that addresses the infamous "but it works on my machine" problem. If the process works in the continuous integration setup but not in your local setup, then you know that the latter is the problem.
  3. Continuous integration is good for onboarding developers new to the project by providing an example of how the code is supposed to be run.