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Blank Space Appears When Bookmarks Are Already Added & Dapp Icons Are Too Large [Release version 2.3.8] #214

Open reasje opened 1 month ago

reasje commented 1 month ago

Issue 1: Blank Space Appears When Bookmarks Are Already Added

Observed Behavior: There is a significant blank space in the bookmarks section.

Issue 2: Dapp Icons Are Too Large

Steps to Reproduce: Open the dapps screen in the application. Observed Behavior: The icons of the dapps appear to be quite large. Expected Behavior: The dapp icons should be reduced by approximately 50% in size, as per Sheen's suggestion.


cc: @sheenhx


ISSUE 1: Image

I'm unable to replicate it. I have attached screenshots from both the old version of the app and the new one. @reasje @sheenhx could help provide better insights on the same!

ISSUE 2: Confirmed Style for dapps on Android || IOS (Shared and Confirmed by @sheenhx )

7 * 5 Image

3 * 6


reasje commented 1 month ago

My assumptions after not being able to replicate :

  1. Sheen is not using the final version that contains the fix for this, We will try to realse a version to test flight If that doesn't work then I think second assumption is high probable.
  2. The bookmark contains a fav icon which Flutter has problems rendering It
reasje commented 1 month ago

@SanghamitraBhowmick1993 Version has been increased and also new dapps order UI has been applied.

SanghamitraBhowmick1993 commented 1 month ago

For Issue #1, Since I was unable to replicate the issue, @sheenhx , would you please help confirm that the issue is resolved in the new TestFlight version.

UPDATE: @sheenhx just helped confirm that the issue is still present in version 2.3.9 @reasje

For Issue #2, Icons are changed, but the black background with black icons looks a bit off, as @sheenhx mentioned, and Ruben is looking into the same

reasje commented 1 month ago

@SanghamitraBhowmick1993 I have done some debugging and as the result of this:

  1. Problem with some dapps not getting their Icons : These dapps have redirects for example redirects to here (If you are not logged in)
  2. Fix : I have added the support for redirects and I will get the icon of the redirect only.
  3. Issue with some MXC dapps, Some dapps like have svg favicon which I didn't expect, Now we support svg favicons too.
reasje commented 1 month ago

@SanghamitraBhowmick1993 I also updated version, It would be great If you can release a version to TestFlight to let Sheen test to see if the problem is solved.

reasje commented 1 month ago

@SanghamitraBhowmick1993 Also I have seen duplicate bookmark and dapps can be added, If that is considered as an unexpected behavior I would appreciate If we have a ticket for fixing that issue too. So I think two steps will be required:

  1. Preventing duplicates from being added
  2. Removing duplicates that already have been added


reasje commented 1 month ago

@SanghamitraBhowmick1993 Also I was able to add public key as private key in import wallet, Seem like a unexpcted behavior and can be problematic, If you confirm It would be great to have ticket to check this behavior. For example, I was able to add this public key as private key in import wallet section. 0xE87FfF848427687077d522d1A04449902d34083a NOTE: Unrelated to this ticket.

reasje commented 4 weeks ago

@SanghamitraBhowmick1993 I have just pushed a version for blank space issue on some cases, This fix should solve the blank space issue for Sheen & Kirill. Also version has been increased for Testflight.