Ma7moud3ly / micro-repl

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Explorer and save issues. #20

Open handsomedude opened 2 months ago

handsomedude commented 2 months ago

App works great so far.

Open explorer without Pico connected, get phone storage. Connect Pico and open explorer and you get Pico. Fair enough, bit you can't switch storage back to phone to load a script while Pico is connected.

If you select a script from Pico storage, you cannot copy and save it to phone.

Open script from Pico into editor, disconnect the Pico and you still have no option to copy to pc.

Your save button should do same as thorny app, ask where you want to save, Pico or this computer .

Also, if you select explorer option and Pico is connected, you should have an option to explore Pico or phone