MaFi-Games / Captain-of-Industry-issues

Public issue tracker for Captain of Industry video game
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Research #1416

Open sparkyincolorado opened 1 month ago

sparkyincolorado commented 1 month ago

Issue description

I've unlocked research 2. I haven't upgraded my level 1 labs but yet I'm able to research Items that require level 2 labs, without even producing Lab equipment. I know most people would love this since they could still use their level 1 labs. Just thought you should know.

Reproduction steps

just playing a "Great Game".

Game version and build number

v0.6.0d b322

Operating system



No response

MaFi-Games commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your report. Could you please specify which items requiring level 2 labs can be researched without them? Note that nodes' positions do not necessarily correspond to their dependency on a lab tier.