MaFi-Games / Captain-of-Industry-issues

Public issue tracker for Captain of Industry video game
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Trucks calculate shortest route to refuel without taking into account that there is no path #583

Open mcreationshh opened 2 years ago

mcreationshh commented 2 years ago

Issue description

Trucks started to caclulate a shorter route to refuel while building a land bridge, to there is no path going there.

Expected behavior

Not taking the shortest route, but a possible one, which leads to a longer route but getting refueled without manually intervening.

Reproduction steps

  1. building a land bridge over oil patch in curland map
  2. Assigning trucks to landfill

Game version



mcreationshh commented 2 years ago


ParanoikCZE commented 2 years ago

This is not only about refuelling, all routes are taken by the shortest air distance sometimes leading to weird results.

mcreationshh commented 2 years ago

This is not only about refuelling, all routes are taken by the shortest air distance sometimes leading to weird results.

It's about path finding when refueling because another station was closer than a 'shorter' router, which is not really existing.