MaJerle / lwcell

Lightweight cellular modem host AT library
MIT License
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lwgsm-0.6.0 release #40

Closed gadak closed 3 years ago

gadak commented 3 years ago

gsm_sys.h line 78 esp instead of gsm

are there any patches to correct these?

I first tested on lwgsm-develop branch and lwgsm_init(lwgsm_callback_func, 1) never returned. all commands response was being received proper on a STM32F103 Board I have.

Then switched to release branch to find that naming convention of files was different.

Could you please explain a bit.

Thanks for the library!!!

MaJerle commented 3 years ago

0.6.0 is as is, no patches available.

Where does lwgsm fails to return? Where does it stuck when entering debug mode?

gadak commented 3 years ago

In lwgsm-develop branch -

Function trace -

Within - lwgsm_init(lwgsm_callback_func, 1); called from init_thread -

@ line no - 141 of (lwgsm.c) res = lwgsm_reset_with_delay(LWGSM_CFG_RESET_DELAY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, blocking); / Send reset sequence with delay /

@ line no 2306 of (lwgsm_int.c)

if (res == lwgsmOK && msg->is_blocking) {   /* In case we have blocking request */
    uint32_t time;
    time = lwgsm_sys_sem_wait(&msg->sem, 0);/* Wait forever for semaphore */
    if (time == LWGSM_SYS_TIMEOUT) {        /* If semaphore was not accessed within given time */
        res = lwgsmTIMEOUT;                 /* Semaphore not released in time */
    } else {
        res = msg->res;                     /* Set response status from message response */

How to print debug log? Do we need to redirect it to printf? As I am not able to verify what happens in the background

MaJerle commented 3 years ago

By default, if you enable debug feature, it will use printf to redirect stream.

PouyaMalek commented 3 years ago

In lwgsm-develop branch -

Function trace -

Within - lwgsm_init(lwgsm_callback_func, 1); called from init_thread -

@ line no - 141 of (lwgsm.c) res = lwgsm_reset_with_delay(LWGSM_CFG_RESET_DELAY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, blocking); / Send reset sequence with delay /

@ line no 2306 of (lwgsm_int.c)

if (res == lwgsmOK && msg->is_blocking) {   /* In case we have blocking request */
    uint32_t time;
    time = lwgsm_sys_sem_wait(&msg->sem, 0);/* Wait forever for semaphore */
    if (time == LWGSM_SYS_TIMEOUT) {        /* If semaphore was not accessed within given time */
        res = lwgsmTIMEOUT;                 /* Semaphore not released in time */
    } else {
        res = msg->res;                     /* Set response status from message response */

How to print debug log? Do we need to redirect it to printf? As I am not able to verify what happens in the background

Hello,I have same problem too. on stm32f103 , i debug my program and i found that interrupt routins of serial doesnt work