MaJerle / lwcell

Lightweight cellular modem host AT library
MIT License
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how many files and how much work it will need to adapt library to support SIM7600 #63

Open sushant-ht opened 2 years ago

sushant-ht commented 2 years ago

Hi, Tilen Majerle

Nice work really liked your work, I just want to know how much change i have to make to adapt this library to support sim7600. i believe lwgsm_input.c is the file that has the main send and receives AT command parsing. just to know is there any other file that needs to be changed?

Thanks for Library and support Sushant

MaJerle commented 2 years ago

Most work is to be done in lwgsm_int and lwgsm_parser files

sushant-ht commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to debug the process? to actually know how stepwise data is been handled?

also I couldn't locate lwgsm_buff_write function in any file

MaJerle commented 2 years ago

You can step into process function that parses each and every received character.

lwgsm_buff_write is available here:

sushant-ht commented 2 years ago

Why I am unable to read SMS, I am trying to debug this library with lpc1768 & sim800c, but I am getting problems reading,

I have added the log below

edit: 10:48 AM 09-09-2021

implies outgoing command, last ',' implies the size of the command < implies incoming message over UART, last ',' & size is added for debugging

Starting GSM application!
Library initialized!
+CMTI: "ME",42

AT,2                             /*[AT]cmd, [2]size */
+CFUN=1,1,9              /*[+CFUN=1,1]cmd, [9]size */             

< AT+CFUN=1,1

OK ,18

AT,2 E1,2


< ATE1

OK ,11

AT,2 +CFUN=,6 1,1



OK ,16

AT,2 +CMEE=1,7



OK ,16

AT,2 +CGMI,5




OK ,28

AT,2 +CGMM,5




OK ,32

AT,2 +CGSN,5




OK ,33






OK ,43

AT,2 +CREG=1,7



OK ,16

AT,2 +CLCC=1,7



OK ,16

AT,2 +CPIN?,6




OK ,31

AT,2 +CNUM,5


< Call Ready


OK ,30

AT,2 +CPMS=?,7



+CPMS: ("SM","ME","SM_P","ME_P","MT"),("SM","ME","SM_P","ME_P","MT"),("SM","ME","SM_P","ME_P","MT")

OK ,119

AT,2 +CPMS?,6



+CPMS: "ME",22,50,"SM_P",20,20,"SM_P",20,20

OK ,62

SMS enabled. Send new SMS from your phone to device. Start by sending first SMS to device...

< +CMTI: "ME",43 ,18New SMS received! Cannot read SMS!

< +CMTI: "ME",44 ,18

New SMS received!

Cannot read SMS! < +CMTI: "ME",45,16

[Uploading esp32.log…]()
sushant-ht commented 2 years ago

This is a bug, in the below function you need to check for NULL condition, else following snippet fails and it invoke fault handler / Create SMS thread / _lwgsm_sys_thread_create(NULL, "lwgsm_sms", (lwgsm_sys_thread_fn)sms_send_receive_thread, NULL, 1024, LWGSM_SYS_THREADPRIO);

uint8_t lwgsm_sys_thread_create(lwgsm_sys_thread_t t, const char name, lwgsm_sys_thread_fn thread_func, void const arg, size_t stack_size, lwgsm_sys_thread_prio_t prio) { lwgsm_sys_thread_t id = NULL; if (xTaskCreate(thread_func, name, 1024, //stack_size/sizeof(portSTACK_TYPE)2, arg, prio, id) == pdPASS) { if(t != NULL) *t = id; return 1; } return 0; }

MaJerle commented 2 years ago

Can you please format data to be well readable?

What sms read fubction returns?

sushant-ht commented 2 years ago

i have currently disabled CHECK_READY(); in fun lwgsm_sms_send & lwgsm_sms_read, i dont always receive SMS Ready from sim800c. same thing for sim7600e

MaJerle commented 2 years ago

You should not remove check ready step. How your send SMS API looks like? Complete one please.

Did you check this one?