MaMpf-HD / mampf

MaMpf (Mathematical Media Platform) — an E-Learning platform for mathematics featuring a media player & editor. Developed & deployed at Heidelberg University.
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Introduce a score or a badge system for lectures #653

Open fosterfarrell9 opened 3 weeks ago

fosterfarrell9 commented 3 weeks ago

With the increasing amount of lectures that are available in production, it can happen that lectures which make use of a lot of features of MaMpf (like tagging, structuring with chapters and sections, tables of contents and references for videos, quizzes...) are overlooked in a sea of lectures that do not. One way to improve the situation would be to calculate some kind of score that measures the above things and award badges to lectures depending on this and enable users to sort accordingly.

Splines commented 3 weeks ago

Could you maybe make a proposal with the following content?