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Improve MySql performance #396

Closed physikerwelt closed 11 months ago

physikerwelt commented 1 year ago

MySql seems to be a performance bottleneck for the data ingest process.

mysqltuner suggests: Performance schema should be activated for better diagnostics Consider installing Sys schema from for MariaDB MyISAM engine is deprecated, consider migrating to InnoDB Be careful, increasing innodb_log_file_size / innodb_log_files_in_group means higher crash recovery mean time Variables to adjust: query_cache_size (> 64M) sort_buffer_size (> 4M) read_rnd_buffer_size (> 1M) performance_schema=ON key_buffer_size (~ 24M) innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= 44.9G) if possible. innodb_log_file_size should be (=32M) if possible, so InnoDB total log file size equals 25% of buffer pool size. r

physikerwelt commented 1 year ago

even after #397 it seems there is a lot of disk writes


physikerwelt commented 1 year ago

MySQL tuner now recommends General recommendations: Run ALTER TABLE ... FORCE or OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance ALTER TABLE FORCE; -- can free 117 MiB ALTER TABLE my_wiki.objectcache FORCE; -- can free 492 MiB Total freed space after defragmentation: 609 MiB

MySQL was started within the last 24 hours: recommendations may be inaccurate
When making adjustments, make tmp_table_size/max_heap_table_size equal
Reduce your SELECT DISTINCT queries which have no LIMIT clause
Consider installing Sys schema from for MariaDB
MyISAM engine is deprecated, consider migrating to InnoDB
Be careful, increasing innodb_log_file_size / innodb_log_files_in_group means higher crash recovery mean time

Variables to adjust: query_cache_limit (> 128K, or use smaller result sets) query_cache_size (=0) query_cache_type (=0) sort_buffer_size (> 4M) read_rnd_buffer_size (> 1M) tmp_table_size (> 32M) max_heap_table_size (> 32M) key_buffer_size (~ 4M) innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= 45.4G) if possible. innodb_log_file_size should be (=512M) if possible, so InnoDB total log file size equals 25% of buffer pool size. innodb_buffer_pool_instances(=4)

physikerwelt commented 1 year ago

Investigate why the db is 40G:

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT 
    ->      table_schema as `Database`, 
    ->      table_name AS `Table`, 
    ->      round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB` 
    -> FROM information_schema.TABLES 
    -> ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;
| Database           | Table                                              | Size in MB |
| my_wiki            | text                                               |   18684.00 |
| my_wiki            | job                                                |   11795.81 |
| my_wiki            | pagelinks                                          |    3607.91 |
| my_wiki            | page_props                                         |    1970.72 |
| my_wiki            | logging                                            |    1609.86 |
| my_wiki            | recentchanges                                      |    1502.28 |
| my_wiki            | revision                                           |    1197.41 |
| my_wiki            | watchlist                                          |     866.31 |
| my_wiki            | page                                               |     675.38 |
| my_wiki            | log_search                                         |     658.83 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_text                                           |     552.72 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_item_terms                                     |     456.22 |
| my_wiki            | mathlatexml                                        |     428.61 |
| my_wiki            | externallinks                                      |     360.73 |
| my_wiki            | content                                            |     357.92 |
| my_wiki            | slots                                              |     351.48 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_term_in_lang                                   |     195.80 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_text_in_lang                                   |     182.77 |
| my_wiki            | l10n_cache                                         |     179.97 |
| my_wiki            | wbc_entity_usage                                   |     145.50 |
| my_wiki            | objectcache                                        |     143.48 |
| my_wiki            | wb_changes                                         |     137.98 |
| my_wiki            | templatelinks                                      |      80.08 |
| wiki_swmath        | l10n_cache                                         |      70.52 |
| my_wiki            | archive                                            |      65.20 |
| my_wiki            | change_tag                                         |      17.58 |
| my_wiki            | categorylinks                                      |      13.91 |
| my_wiki            | wb_items_per_site                                  |      10.34 |
| my_wiki            | comment                                            |       7.03 |
| my_wiki            | wb_changes_subscription                            |       6.09 |
| mysql              | time_zone_transition                               |       4.24 |
physikerwelt commented 11 months ago

The job-table is no longer part of the db and a replica has been set up. Current size

| Database           | Table                                                | Size in MB |
| my_wiki            | text                                                 |   22840.98 |
| my_wiki            | pagelinks                                            |    8436.88 |
| my_wiki            | recentchanges                                        |    3211.94 |
| my_wiki            | page_props                                           |    2725.89 |
| my_wiki            | logging                                              |    2496.58 |
| my_wiki            | wbc_entity_usage                                     |    2255.00 |
| my_wiki            | revision                                             |    1934.78 |
| my_wiki            | watchlist                                            |    1267.72 |
| my_wiki            | page                                                 |    1250.11 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_text                                             |     773.77 |
| my_wiki            | wb_changes                                           |     658.45 |
| my_wiki            | content                                              |     657.98 |
| my_wiki            | log_search                                           |     645.98 |
| my_wiki            | slots                                                |     583.77 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_item_terms                                       |     566.25 |
| my_wiki            | templatelinks                                        |     492.63 |
| my_wiki            | mathlatexml                                          |     430.61 |
| my_wiki            | externallinks                                        |     310.16 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_term_in_lang                                     |     255.86 |
| my_wiki            | wbt_text_in_lang                                     |     243.80 |
| my_wiki            | categorylinks                                        |     220.61 |
| my_wiki            | l10n_cache                                           |     164.94 |
| my_wiki            | wb_items_per_site                                    |     145.69 |
| my_wiki            | wb_changes_subscription                              |      94.72 |
| my_wiki            | objectcache                                          |      74.23 |
| my_wiki            | archive                                              |      63.16 |
| wiki_swmath        | l10n_cache                                           |      52.67 |
| my_wiki            | comment                                              |      34.08 |
| my_wiki            | change_tag                                           |      20.58 |
| mysql              | time_zone_transition                                 |       7.20 |


          table_schema as `Database`, 
          table_name AS `Table`, 
          round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB` 
     FROM information_schema.TABLES 
     ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;
physikerwelt commented 11 months ago

In addition the number of disk writes is much smaller than the reads now.