MaRDI4NFDI / portal-compose

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When running runJobs we see HTTP429 errors from wikidata #416

Closed physikerwelt closed 6 months ago

physikerwelt commented 8 months ago

Describe the issue I see the following error in the log

Error endpoint:
Error http_response_code: 429
Error message: <html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Error 429 Too Many Requests - Please retry in 3 seconds.</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 429</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql. Reason:
<pre>    Too Many Requests - Please retry in 3 seconds.</pre></p><hr><a href="">Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.12.v20180830</a><hr/>


Error number: 0
Error message: 

Error data: Array
    [query] => PREFIX target: <>

SELECT ?node ?nodeLabel ?childNode ?childNodeLabel 
  SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?childNode WHERE {
      BIND(target: AS ?node)
      ?node ?p ?i.
      ?childNode ?x ?p.
      ?childNode rdf:type wikibase:Property.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?i), ""))
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), ""))
  LIMIT 5000
} AS %nodes
  SELECT DISTINCT ?childNode ?node ?rgb WHERE {
      BIND("EFFBD8" AS ?rgb)
      target: ?p ?childNode.
      ?node ?x ?p.
      ?node rdf:type wikibase:Property.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), ""))
  LIMIT 5000
} AS %childNodes
    INCLUDE %nodes
    INCLUDE %childNodes
  FILTER (?node != target:)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }        
ORDER BY ASC(?nodeLabel) ASC(?childNodeLabel)
    [output] => xml
    [Accept] => application/sparql-results+xml

I wonder where this comes from. Are any pages trying to access

eloiferrer commented 7 months ago

Just in case this is still relevant, all the Profile pages for authors send requests to Wikidata. This is where the query comes from:

physikerwelt commented 6 months ago

The goal is not to query data from wikidata on the fly, but to import relevant data from wikidata.