[x] The space and importance given to the agricultural and land use sectors seems slightly on the light side. The authors note the importance of the sector for emissions in the country, as well as its complexity but do not describe it. While another paper is highlighted for the reader to refer to, additional detail and clarity on how the sector is treated & linked to other sectors in the model would be useful here too.
[x] Note, in addition, that some statements are confusing. The Abstract suggest that the authors / model will cover "transport, buildings, industry and agriculture" while those on the contents of the paper p3 line 69 describe the sections of the paper as covering "supply, power, transport, residential, and industry"; and some sectoral paragraphs (e.g. supply) make statements about agricultural sector commodities.
[x] I’m a little unclear if land-use emissions are modelled in TIM based on “Another limitation of TIM is the sole focus on energy and process emissions”. My impression is they are but in a static, exogenous manner? Even though there is mention of the agricultural sector being taken from Irish TIMES, it would be useful to clarify, with a few sentences, what is exogenous and endogenous here.
[x] Line 544: agricultural sector energy service demands don’t change from 2018, how reasonable is this assumption?