MaadixNet / ep_maadix

User-Management System for etherpad-lite. Demo:
Apache License 2.0
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Is this working with latest Etherpad? #8

Open Evadon-Nathan opened 3 years ago

Evadon-Nathan commented 3 years ago

I have been trying to get this to work for a couple of days now but can't figure out what's the problem.

I am running Etherpad 1.8.13 (although not behind a reverse proxy. I tried this but the routes for /etherpad/ did not work at all as it just redirected to /home)

The problem: When I go to /admin/userpadadmin I can see all the interface, but nothing happens when I try changing any setting or adding any groups or users. I can type in the input, but the Create button doesn't do anything. It's as if there is no code action happening when trying to do any action in the interface.

There are no errors logged to the console.

I don't know if this is related but in the browser I see the following when I go to /admin/userpadadmin:

Uncaught ReferenceError: clientVars is not defined
    at Object.exports.update (ace2_common.js?callback=require.define:56)
    at userpadadmin:35
    at userpadadmin:39

Thank you

koobs commented 3 years ago

Try the 0.1.4 branch mentioned in #3

robertgarrigos commented 8 months ago

How about etherpad 1.8.14? I cannot make it work with it. In fact, I'm running 1.9.3. but had to uninstall the maadix plugin