MaartenBaert / ssr

SimpleScreenRecorder, a screen recorder for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.49k stars 288 forks source link

Make it work with Wayland #974

Open nunyafukkinbizness opened 1 year ago

nunyafukkinbizness commented 1 year ago

Instead of a "nag screen" telling me to use xorg for simplescreensaver how about actually making it work with Wayland since that is the default login for Ubuntu 22.04? In one of your posts you said very few use Wayland. While that may have been true at the time it is no longer the case!

danboid commented 1 year ago

I too would like to see SSR support Wayland but in the meantime you can use Kooha:

Note I had to change the default codec type to mkv to get it to work last time I tried it.

fastrizwaan commented 1 year ago

kooha recording stutters/lags, perhaps due to high cpu usage.

Cristian-David-Github commented 1 year ago

Pls, wayland support!

mara004 commented 1 year ago

I concur, Wayland support would be nice. Distributions like Fedora are even starting to make Wayland default for KDE Plasma now (which appears reasonable as Wayland is much smoother to use than Plasma's jerky X11 backend).

PS: vokoscreenNG and OBS both work for me, but none of them are particularly nice. vokoscreenNG doesn't support audio; OBS has dreadful defaults and is hard to use.