MaartenBaert / ssr

SimpleScreenRecorder, a screen recorder for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[bug?] lag (missing frames filled with still images) when recording a 20 minute long video (activating blackscreen) #985

Open AdiWeit opened 1 year ago

AdiWeit commented 1 year ago

When I only record the first minutes of the video, it works fine, but when I record the whole 20 minutes, even the first minutes which worked previously are lagging (missing frames filled with still images). The CPU is between 80 and 100% (cycling like waves) and the RAM looks good too. Strangely enough, if I open the created file (while recording or if I click on "save recording" without pausing it), that video seems to run fine, but after stopping the recording the created video is laggy again (doesn't matter if I clicked on "save recording"). Pausing and shortly after that continuing the recording in the middle of the video seems to "fix" this issue as well. Also, if a schedule option to save the recording would be added, this issue would not be that important any more. in my opinion.

I tried it again leaving the screen on and now it worked, so I think it maybe has to do with using a blackscreen (using the command /usr/bin/sleep 1 && /usr/bin/xset dpms force off) while recording?

technical details: SimpleScreenRecorder version: 0.4.4 distro: linux mint version 20.1 video input: whole screen (one out of two). Audio-System: PulseAudio Container: MKV Codec: H.264 (Constant rate factor: 23) Preset: superfast allow frame skipping audio codec: Vorbis (audio bitrate: 128)