MaartenGr / BERTopic

Leveraging BERT and c-TF-IDF to create easily interpretable topics.
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How to get more than 5 words from dynamic topic modelling #1402

Closed hbeelee closed 1 year ago

hbeelee commented 1 year ago


I was wondering if it is possible to retrieve more than five keywords from dynamic topic modeling. I attempted to change the internal code as follows, but the output continues to show only five keywords.

topics_at_timestamp = [(topic, ", ".join([words[0] for words in values][:11]), topic_frequency[topic], timestamp) for topic, values in words_per_topic.items()]


from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Mapping, Any, Callable, Iterable

class BERTopic:
    def topics_over_time(self,
                         docs: List[str],
                         timestamps: Union[List[str],
                         nr_bins: int = None,
                         datetime_format: str = None,
                         evolution_tuning: bool = True,
                         global_tuning: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:

        documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": self.topics_, "Timestamps": timestamps})
        global_c_tf_idf = normalize(self.c_tf_idf_, axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False)

        all_topics = sorted(list(documents.Topic.unique()))
        all_topics_indices = {topic: index for index, topic in enumerate(all_topics)}

        if isinstance(timestamps[0], str):
            infer_datetime_format = True if not datetime_format else False
            documents["Timestamps"] = pd.to_datetime(documents["Timestamps"],

        if nr_bins:
            documents["Bins"] = pd.cut(documents.Timestamps, bins=nr_bins)
            documents["Timestamps"] = documents.apply(lambda row: row.Bins.left, 1)

        # Sort documents in chronological order
        documents = documents.sort_values("Timestamps")
        timestamps = documents.Timestamps.unique()
        if len(timestamps) > 100:
            warnings.warn(f"There are more than 100 unique timestamps (i.e., {len(timestamps)}) "
                          "which significantly slows down the application. Consider setting `nr_bins` "
                          "to a value lower than 100 to speed up calculation. ")

        # For each unique timestamp, create topic representations
        topics_over_time = []
        for index, timestamp in tqdm(enumerate(timestamps), disable=not self.verbose):

            # Calculate c-TF-IDF representation for a specific timestamp
            selection = documents.loc[documents.Timestamps == timestamp, :]
            documents_per_topic = selection.groupby(['Topic'], as_index=False).agg({'Document': ' '.join,
                                                                                    "Timestamps": "count"})
            c_tf_idf, words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic, fit=False)

            if global_tuning or evolution_tuning:
                c_tf_idf = normalize(c_tf_idf, axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False)

            # Fine-tune the c-TF-IDF matrix at timestamp t by averaging it with the c-TF-IDF
            # matrix at timestamp t-1
            if evolution_tuning and index != 0:
                current_topics = sorted(list(documents_per_topic.Topic.values))
                overlapping_topics = sorted(list(set(previous_topics).intersection(set(current_topics))))

                current_overlap_idx = [current_topics.index(topic) for topic in overlapping_topics]
                previous_overlap_idx = [previous_topics.index(topic) for topic in overlapping_topics]

                c_tf_idf.tolil()[current_overlap_idx] = ((c_tf_idf[current_overlap_idx] +
                                                          previous_c_tf_idf[previous_overlap_idx]) / 2.0).tolil()

            # Fine-tune the timestamp c-TF-IDF representation based on the global c-TF-IDF representation
            # by simply taking the average of the two
            if global_tuning:
                selected_topics = [all_topics_indices[topic] for topic in documents_per_topic.Topic.values]
                c_tf_idf = (global_c_tf_idf[selected_topics] + c_tf_idf) / 2.0

            # Extract the words per topic
            words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False)
            topic_frequency = pd.Series(documents_per_topic.Timestamps.values,

            # Fill dataframe with results
            topics_at_timestamp = [(topic,
                                    ", ".join([words[0] for words in values][:11]),
                                    timestamp) for topic, values in words_per_topic.items()]

            if evolution_tuning:
                previous_topics = sorted(list(documents_per_topic.Topic.values))
                previous_c_tf_idf = c_tf_idf.copy()

        return pd.DataFrame(topics_over_time, columns=["Topic", "Words", "Frequency", "Timestamp"])
MaartenGr commented 1 year ago

Did you also update the internal top_n_words to a value higher than 5? That might be the reason for the low amount of words.

hbeelee commented 1 year ago

Did you also update the internal top_n_words to a value higher than 5? That might be the reason for the low amount of words.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm following you here. If you are asking whether I have updated the model with larger number at top_n_words, yes I did.

model.update_topics(docs, vectorizer_model=vectorizer, top_n_words = 15) 

timestamps = range_years
topics_over_time = model.topics_over_time(docs, timestamps)

But still, dynamic topic modelling only shows five keywords.

MaartenGr commented 1 year ago

Could you share your full code? How you instantiated the model and how you adapted the BERTopic code. I might be able to see what is going on if I have the complete picture.

hbeelee commented 1 year ago

Here it is. Much appreciated.

class BERTopic:
    def topics_over_time(self,
                         docs: List[str],
                         timestamps: Union[List[str],
                         nr_bins: int = None,
                         datetime_format: str = None,
                         evolution_tuning: bool = True,
                         global_tuning: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:

        documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": self.topics_, "Timestamps": timestamps})
        global_c_tf_idf = normalize(self.c_tf_idf_, axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False)

        all_topics = sorted(list(documents.Topic.unique()))
        all_topics_indices = {topic: index for index, topic in enumerate(all_topics)}

        if isinstance(timestamps[0], str):
            infer_datetime_format = True if not datetime_format else False
            documents["Timestamps"] = pd.to_datetime(documents["Timestamps"],

        if nr_bins:
            documents["Bins"] = pd.cut(documents.Timestamps, bins=nr_bins)
            documents["Timestamps"] = documents.apply(lambda row: row.Bins.left, 1)

        # Sort documents in chronological order
        documents = documents.sort_values("Timestamps")
        timestamps = documents.Timestamps.unique()
        if len(timestamps) > 100:
            warnings.warn(f"There are more than 100 unique timestamps (i.e., {len(timestamps)}) "
                          "which significantly slows down the application. Consider setting `nr_bins` "
                          "to a value lower than 100 to speed up calculation. ")

        # For each unique timestamp, create topic representations
        topics_over_time = []
        for index, timestamp in tqdm(enumerate(timestamps), disable=not self.verbose):

            # Calculate c-TF-IDF representation for a specific timestamp
            selection = documents.loc[documents.Timestamps == timestamp, :]
            documents_per_topic = selection.groupby(['Topic'], as_index=False).agg({'Document': ' '.join,
                                                                                    "Timestamps": "count"})
            c_tf_idf, words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic, fit=False)

            if global_tuning or evolution_tuning:
                c_tf_idf = normalize(c_tf_idf, axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False)

            # Fine-tune the c-TF-IDF matrix at timestamp t by averaging it with the c-TF-IDF
            # matrix at timestamp t-1
            if evolution_tuning and index != 0:
                current_topics = sorted(list(documents_per_topic.Topic.values))
                overlapping_topics = sorted(list(set(previous_topics).intersection(set(current_topics))))

                current_overlap_idx = [current_topics.index(topic) for topic in overlapping_topics]
                previous_overlap_idx = [previous_topics.index(topic) for topic in overlapping_topics]

                c_tf_idf.tolil()[current_overlap_idx] = ((c_tf_idf[current_overlap_idx] +
                                                          previous_c_tf_idf[previous_overlap_idx]) / 2.0).tolil()

            # Fine-tune the timestamp c-TF-IDF representation based on the global c-TF-IDF representation
            # by simply taking the average of the two
            if global_tuning:
                selected_topics = [all_topics_indices[topic] for topic in documents_per_topic.Topic.values]
                c_tf_idf = (global_c_tf_idf[selected_topics] + c_tf_idf) / 2.0

            # Extract the words per topic
            words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False)
            topic_frequency = pd.Series(documents_per_topic.Timestamps.values,

            # Fill dataframe with results
            topics_at_timestamp = [(topic,
                                    ", ".join([words[0] for words in values][:11]),
                                    timestamp) for topic, values in words_per_topic.items()]

            if evolution_tuning:
                previous_topics = sorted(list(documents_per_topic.Topic.values))
                previous_c_tf_idf = c_tf_idf.copy()

        return pd.DataFrame(topics_over_time, columns=["Topic", "Words", "Frequency", "Timestamp"])

df = pd.read_excel('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/docs.xlsx')
docs = [str(doc) for doc in df['speeches'].tolist()]

class CustomTokenizer:
    def __init__(self, tagger):
        self.tagger = tagger
    def __call__(self, sent):
        sent = sent[:1000000]
        word_tokens = self.tagger.nouns(sent)
        result = [word for word in word_tokens if len(word) > 1 and word not in stopwords]
        return result

custom_tokenizer = CustomTokenizer(Mecab())
mecab_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=custom_tokenizer, stop_words=stopwords)

model_name ="model"
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer(model_name)
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)

hdbscan_model = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=20, min_samples=3, metric='euclidean', prediction_data=True)
representation_model = MaximalMarginalRelevance(diversity=0.3)

model = BERTopic(embedding_model=sentence_model,
                 calculate_probabilities = True,

topics, probs = model.fit_transform(docs, embeddings)
new_topics = model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics, strategy="distributions")
model.update_topics(docs, vectorizer_model=mecab_vectorizer, topics=new_topics, top_n_words = 15)

timestamps = df.years.to_list()
topics_over_time = model.topics_over_time(docs, timestamps)
MaartenGr commented 1 year ago

Could you also share the imports? Make the example as complete as possible such that it is clear which functions are used how and in what order.

A few things I could notice. First, you are not using representation_model during .update_topics so that model is not taken into account. Second, it might be worthwhile to adjust the initial BERTopic as follows to prevent overwriting classes:

class CustomBERTopic(BERTopic):
    def topics_over_time(self, 

Then, you can use the class as follows which helps making sure that you are correctly using the updated class:

model = CustomBERTopic(embedding_model=sentence_model,
hbeelee commented 1 year ago

Second, it might be worthwhile to adjust the initial BERTopic as follows to prevent overwriting classes:

class CustomBERTopic(BERTopic):
    def topics_over_time(self, 

Then, you can use the class as follows which helps making sure that you are correctly using the updated class:

model = CustomBERTopic(embedding_model=sentence_model,

This worked perfectly. Thank you so much!