Maassoft / ColorControl

Easily change NVIDIA display settings and/or control LG TV's
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto apply game profile settings when starting the game via ColorControl Quick access? #347

Open ravensergio opened 3 months ago

ravensergio commented 3 months ago

I am using ColorControl for every game. It is always a struggle with steam games/various launchers etc, that don't use the exe. I can run just fine the "steam://rungameid/XXXXX" , but the settings , mostly the finalize steps wont trigger. ( maybe because ColorControl doesn't know the real process). So I tried making 2 game profiles for a single game. One with the .exe in which I've put all my brightness settings on Prelaunch, and revert my settings on Finalize etcetera , then I used the "Auto apply settings" on this profile. This has "Show in quick access" NOT checked. I made a separate profile WITH quick access that has only the "steam://rungameid/XXXXX", no other settings in it, hoping that the settings from my 1st profile would trigger when starting the game, but no luck The Auto apply profile DOES trigger if I run the game from steam shortcut or steam itself. Is there some check in ColorControl to see if the game was started from ColorControl? Or does someone know a way to make ColorControl work with steam linked games (ALSO finalize step)? Maybe a separate field for WHAT process to listen when monitoring to auto apply would help? Thanks.