Maassoft / ColorControl

Easily change NVIDIA display settings and/or control LG TV's
GNU General Public License v3.0
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If I apply a profile to a monitor, the other one becomes inactive #348

Open Vasllo opened 3 months ago

Vasllo commented 3 months ago

Hi, I've got dual 4k 144Hz HDR monitors and I wanted the software just to easily change SDR content brightness in HDR mode, but whenever I apply a cloned profile from the current settings with a different SDR brightness, the other monitor stops working until I change settings in Windows to extend the video to both of them, because it always changes to show only monitor X.

How can I fix this, and is there an easier way to change just this setting?

Maassoft commented 2 months ago

I will try to fix this in the next release. I think with the current version ( this will even happen when trying to change only the refresh rate of one monitor (the other becomes inactive/disabled).

b1gpoop commented 2 months ago

I may have a lead on the monitor disabling problem. I found an issue with my setup where if in other->scaling my main display was set to GPU - No Scaling while my secondary display was set to Display - Aspect Ratio it would cause issues. This happened when I changed settings in Nvidia control panel for one display and forgot to mirror the changes to the other display. Since I have "other" set to included to change color profiles, I guess it was attempting to set scaling to each monitor again incorrectly and found it easier to just disable the second one.

Related to this issue when switching profiles it would set my 120Hz screen to 60Hz regardless of what I had the refresh rate setting at. This problem was also solved when both displays were set to GPU - No Scaling.

No idea if that is anyone else's problem but hopefully it helps you solve it.