Maassoft / ColorControl

Easily change NVIDIA display settings and/or control LG TV's
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turnScreenOn being unresponsive #381

Closed Blorkman closed 1 week ago

Blorkman commented 1 week ago

Hi, I'm having an issue. I use turnScreenOff and turnScreenOn binded to shortcuts to, well turn on and off the screen of my lg C2, but recently turnScreenOn doesn't do anything if i dont spam the key. I tried looking in the log but it seems to me that it just doesn't register the key press. Still, sometimes (rarely) there's an error that may have something to do with it but I'm unable to decipher it :

LgTv.SendMessageException: Can't send message LgTv.SendMessageException: Can't send message ---> System.Exception: 500 Application error at LgTv.LgTvApiCore.SendCommandAsync(String id, String message) in .\LgTv\LgTvConnection.cs:line 143 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at LgTv.LgTvApiCore.SendCommandAsync(String id, String message) in .\LgTv\LgTvConnection.cs:line 147 at LgTv.LgTvApiCore.SendCommandAsync(RequestMessage message) in .\LgTv\LgTvConnection.cs:line 159 at NLog.Logger.SwallowAsync[TResult](Func`1 asyncFunc, TResult fallback)

Any ideas ?

Blorkman commented 1 week ago

Ignore this its the damn key on my keyboard thats unresponsive lmao (a piece of crap liliputian fly chose it as a final resting place)