MaastrichtU-IDS / d2s-project-template

📋 Template to build CWL workflows to convert data to a RDF Knowledge Graph and deploy services.
MIT License
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AutoR2RML bug if TSV have more than 90 columns #5

Open vemonet opened 5 years ago

vemonet commented 5 years ago

With TSV that have more than 90 columns the header (select...) is not in the right place anymore

Execute AutoR2RML to reproduce it (file in /data/data2services):

docker run -it --rm --link drill:drill -v /data:/data \
  vemonet/autor2rml \
  -j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=drill:31010" -r \
  -o "/data/data2services/mapping.trig" \
  -d "/data/data2services" \
  -b "" \
  -g ""