MaastrichtU-IDS / d2s-sparql-operations

✨️ Execute SPARQL queries from string, URL or multiple files using the RDF4J framework.
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Improve Split to allow split of multiple statements #24

Open vemonet opened 4 years ago

vemonet commented 4 years ago

At the moment @ammar257ammar needs to repeat the Split step multiple time for Bio2RDF

To Improve this issue we should improve how we provide the statements to be splitted:

The 3 are not hard to implement, this is more thinking about the cleanest design for our users that will be the hardest here imho

We could also hit 2 birds with 1 codeblock: allow the user to provide a list of SPARQL queries/Triple Pattern Fragments

Optionally we could allow the user to define the query as a string to avoid the user to create a file when he doesn't need one. But, on the other hand, forcing our users to always define their "split mappings" in a separate file makes it more strict and clearer (which might be less confusing)