MaastrichtU-IDS / d2s-sparql-operations

✨️ Execute SPARQL queries from string, URL or multiple files using the RDF4J framework.
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Allow to provide parameters for queries? #9

Closed vemonet closed 5 years ago

vemonet commented 5 years ago

For example for some URI it would be interested to be able to provide a parameter that will act as a variable in the SPARQL query. To avoid having everything hard coded in the query.

For example a prefix: PREFIX x2rm: <http://data2services/model/> would become PREFIX x2rm: <?_x2rm_uri>

vemonet commented 5 years ago

It is especially to be able to change graph name and base URI without editing the query file

vemonet commented 5 years ago

Adding parameters using cli option with a prefix. e.g.:

vemonet commented 5 years ago

Done in providing parameter like this:

-var graphInput:http://graph/input graphOutput:http://graph/output

Replacing ?_graphInput and ?_graphOutput