MaayanLab / cfde_gene_pages

Common Fund Gene Landing Pages as a Dashboard
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identify additional resources which can suggest recommended drugs for a gene query, and recommended genes for a drug query, in a similar way that we recommend related genes for gene queries. #150

Closed u8sand closed 2 years ago

u8sand commented 2 years ago
AviMaayan commented 2 years ago

Drug-drug associations can from here:

AviMaayan commented 2 years ago

Drug-gene associations from literature can come by crossing Drugshot and Geneshot AutoRIF files:

AviMaayan commented 2 years ago

Drug-gene associations from other sources can come from DrugBank for drug targets and from this Appyter for gene expression associations...

u8sand commented 2 years ago

Looks like DrugBank's license makes it difficult to use it for this, thus I'll declare this issue resolved.