Closed itmeicn closed 2 years ago
You have 2 ways to set prefix(es), with the IndexBuilder
, or with the Create
/** @var \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client $client */
$builder = (new \MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder())
->setPrefixes(['blog:post:']) // Setter take an array
/** @var \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client $client */
$builder = (new \MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder())
->addPrefixes('blog:post:') // "Adder" take one or more arguments as prefixes
/** @var \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client $client */
$create = (new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\Create())
I hope that answer your question.
thanks,I will. But I need more operations, such as CRUD. or detailed function description
This library is a "low-level" implementation. It reflect operation from RediSearch as close as possible.
If you want more high level I can suggest macfja/redisearch-integration (git).
This lib can offer method like persist
(C and U of CRUD), remove
(D of CRUD) and easier way to create a search (R of CRUD) on PHP object/class directly
But with only this library
and U
of CRUD\MacFJA\RediSearch\Index::addDocumentFromArray
will be the function to use
of CRUD\MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\Search
will be the object to create and to use with a Client
of CRUDYou will need to use other command or use \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client::executeRaw
($myClient->executeRaw('DEL', 'document_hash');
Thanks a lot, I will already use 2.x.
FT.CREATE idx ON HASH PREFIX 1 blog:post: SCHEMA,PREFIX ? how to use it create?