MacFJA / php-redisearch

PHP Client for RediSearch
MIT License
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I got ERR unknown command `FT.CREATE` error when creating an index ? #63

Open sergeynilov opened 1 year ago

sergeynilov commented 1 year ago

I added macfja/redisearch ^2.2 to my laravel 9.48 app and got errors :

ERR unknown command `FT.CREATE`, with args beginning with: `articleIndices`, `SCHEMA`, `title`, `TEXT`, `SORTABLE`, when creating index with code:

    public function createIndex(): self
        $clientFacade = new ClientFacade();
        \Log::info(varDump($clientFacade, ' -1 createIndex $clientFacade::'));
        $redisClient =  $clientFacade->getClient(new \Predis\Client(/* ... */));
        $builder = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder();
        \Log::info(varDump($builder, ' -1 $builder::'));

            ->addTextField('title', false, null, null, true)
            ->create($redisClient);  // Error pointing at this line

Making dumps of 2 vars above I see in log file :

[2023-02-24 07:42:12] local.INFO:  (Object of MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\ClientFacade) : -1 createIndex $clientFacade:: : Array
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\ClientFacade factories] => Array
            [0] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\PredisClient
            [1] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\CredisClient
            [2] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\PhpredisClient
            [3] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\PhpiredisClient
            [4] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\CheprasovRedisClient
            [5] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\RedisentClient
            [6] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\RediskaClient
            [7] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\AmpRedisClient
            [8] => MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\TinyRedisClient


[2023-02-24 07:42:12] local.INFO:  (Object of MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder) : -1 $builder:: : Array
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder index] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder structure] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder prefixes] => Array

    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder filter] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder defaultLanguage] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder languageField] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder defaultScore] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder scoreField] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder payloadField] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder maxTextFields] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder temporary] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder noOffsets] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder noHighLight] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder noFields] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder noFrequencies] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder skipInitialScan] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder stopWords] =>
    [ MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder fields] => Array


Searching in next for salvation of this issue I found a hint that this could be raised as redis doesn't have the RediSearch module loaded. How can I check it and fix it ?

also which parameters have I to use in line :

\Predis\Client(/* ... */) Thank you!

MacFJA commented 1 year ago

In order to use this library, you need to have a Redis server with the RediSearch module installed and enabled.

How can I check it [...] ?

To see if the module is enabled (and its version) you can run this command:


or with redis-cli:

user@host:~$ redis-cli -h MODULE LIST            
1) 1) "name"
   2) "ReJSON"
   3) "ver"
   4) (integer) 999999
2) 1) "name"
   2) "search"
   3) "ver"
   4) (integer) 20604

How can I [...} fix it ?

For the steps to install RediSearch (if needed), you can look here:

also which parameters have I to use in line : \Predis\Client(/* ... */)

Here the official documentation on how to connect to a Redis server with Predis: But to put it simply:

new \Predis\Client('redis://');
// Change the to the IP of the Redis server if it's not on the same server as your PHP
// Change the 6379 to the port used by Redis (6379 is the default port of Redis)