MacKentoch / react-native-beacons-manager

React-Native library for detecting beacons (iOS and Android)
MIT License
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Eddystone beacon support #3

Open plrdev opened 7 years ago

plrdev commented 7 years ago

Eddystone beacon support would make this awesome, but as far as I can see, iBeacon is only supported.

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

Hi @eduplus

Great idea.

But at the end, I need to emulate an eddystone beacon to develop and test. That is where the critical part is.

plrdev commented 7 years ago

I have taken part in implementing Eddystone with altbeacon on Android, but not on iOS. I also have an Eddystone beacon that I can do tests and I am willing to test if you are able to add the support.

ismaeldcom commented 7 years ago

Hi @MacKentoch

I can help with the iOS implementation, for emulation I use beacon simulator for Android and any BLE Android device and it works fine.

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

Hi @ismaeldcom

Any help is always welcomed. Feel free to submit PR.

My main concern was this issue (when I merged android part, altbeacon was already updated: I guess it comes from that).

Maybe I may focus on extending functionalities rather fighting against android backward compatibility

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

I forgot something important: thank you 💯 @ismaeldcom for beacon simulator: really awesome and useful!

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

Alright as I fixed the issues on android 6, time has come to add Eddystone support.

For sure it is great feature to add.

ismaeldcom commented 7 years ago

Hi @MacKentoch

I have a Eddystone implementation for a very specific case, I spent a couple of hours trying to implement it with your lib and make a PR, but I think this might be very complex, if you want to maintain a unified API. Because Eddystone have 4 different protocols and don't share any common property with iBeacon.

Anyway, If you like to try it, you can see a old implementation from christopherdro. Based on Google implementation, which have a new version of the code.

With this you can cover UID, URL & TLM.

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

Hi @ismaeldcom

Thank you very much for information and link.

I had a look at Google implementation too here so both example should help.

I'm not sure but if I point my index finger in the air (I don't know, it is just suggestion or idea I have) I would say that I may implement something like:

Beacon.startIBeacon // if user want to start iBeacon (instantiates native iBeacon specific classes)

Beacon.startEddystone // if user want to start Eddystone (instantiates native iBeacon specific classes)

It will look like altBeacon library that handles multiple types of beacon.

plrdev commented 7 years ago

@MacKentoch Your plan sounds good.

I would also prefer similar handling than what altbeacon does. You can just tell what kind of beacons you are interested in and then get monitor/ranging data, where you can check the type and work accordingly to that specific type of beacon.

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

Yes I'm working on a standardisation of both iOS and Android (as much as possible).

It is more coherent is easier to play with if it is nearly the same for both platform.

I'm really excited on adding Eddystone but I first have to fix all inherited bugs (bugs from original versions that I discover super fast thanks to helpful contributions).

I'm currently fixing this major one on iOS #9

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

I updated README and add a TODO so that you exactly know what I'm preparing/doing.

TODO List is opened to suggestions.

This lib is not mine it is open source so it is ours.

rrjanbiah commented 7 years ago

I'm a newbie. But, in my understanding different standardization is not possible (that is obvious when you check ) Google's Nearby API seems the only standardization, if I'm right.

MacKentoch commented 7 years ago

Hi @rrjanbiah

When I speak about standardisation I speak about React Native side (or javascript side).

It is possible as long as both platforms offer same native functionalities.

As an example I can name a specific function and its parameter exactly the same for both iOS and Android.

Did I give you an answer?

rrjanbiah commented 7 years ago

@MacKentoch That would be really awesome

stoneman1 commented 6 years ago

Please check #45 If it is good way to go :)