MacWyznawca / homebridge-mqtt-power-consumption-log-tasmota

Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff POW hardware with firmware Sonoff-Tasmota via MQTT with log data to file. Partially emulate Elgato Eve Energy. Measure used power and write data to log text files.
MIT License
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Noob Question about Log Files #17

Closed einencool closed 4 years ago

einencool commented 4 years ago

Hello and Sorry for the question, but i can't get the Log Files to work and I didn't know where I make the mistakes. But Linux is not my very known System...

I got the homebridge and this plugin working fine. But I always get a error message when the Log file would be created or saved. I hope it's only a permission Problem, but I didn't know how to fix it.

Here is my Config: { "accessory": "mqtt-power-consumption-log-tasmota", "switchType": "outlet", "name": "Dose 105", "url": "mqtt://", "username": "", "password": "", "topics": { "statusGet": "stat/Dose105/POWER", "statusSet": "cmnd/Dose105/power", "stateGet": "tele/Dose105/STATE", "energyGet": "tele/Dose105/SENSOR" }, "onValue": "ON", "offValue": "OFF", "outletInUseBy": "current", "outletInUseCurrent": "0.01", "activityTopic": "tele/Dose105/LWT", "activityParameter": "Online", "startCmd": "cmnd/Dose105/TelePeriod", "startParameter": "10", "pathToSave": "/var/homebridge/", "savePeriod": "15", "timeOffset": "-60", "manufacturer": "Gosund SP111", "model": "Sonoff", "serialNumberMAC": "Dose105" },

and in the "EVE App" I can see all the Parameters, but this is the Error Log every 15 min:

[2020-2-1 19:30:00] [Dose 105] Problem with save periodically [Error: EACCES: permission denied, open 'falseDose105_period_15.csv'] { errno: -13, code: 'EACCES', syscall: 'open', path: 'falseDose105_period_15.csv' }

I tried different paths for the log file, but the message is still the same: "pathToSave": "/home/pi/homebridge/", "pathToSave": "/home/homebridge/", "pathToSave": "/var/homebridge/",

and can anybody help me how to config the homebridge so that I can see the graph in the Eve App for Power consumption. Sorry for my stupid question, but I can't get it to work, so I would like to ask the Pro's for help :-)

Greets and thanks in advance Chris

einencool commented 4 years ago

My mistake, I read about it that it has to be "pathToSave", but with "patchToSave" it works. No I only need to know how to set up the FakeGatoHistory Service...