MacWyznawca / homebridge-mqtt-switch-tasmota

Plugin to HomeBridge optimized to work with firmware Sonoff-Tasmota, MQTT.
MIT License
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MQTT Broker Adress #19

Open Cunner opened 7 years ago

Cunner commented 7 years ago

Hello, im pretty new in home Automation and i want to set up my first sonoff device via homebridge. I saw in the config file that i need to put in the "url": "mqtt://MQTT–BROKER-ADDRESS", where do i get this Adress from ? Sorry for the noob question.

Cunner commented 7 years ago

is it the ip adress of the homebridge rasberry pi?

jannnfe commented 7 years ago

You need to run an MQTT–BROKER on your Pi like Mosquitto or you use a service on the internet. In my case the Broker ip was the same as my ubuntu server.

boejoyd commented 6 years ago

Could someone please post working config’s MQTT and mosquito?

nickdos commented 6 years ago

If you're just starting out with a few sonoff devices then I'd suggest you try the HTTP version and leave MQTT for later. MQTT provides more robust network but adds extra complexity in a dependency on a third running system (MQTT message broker like Mosquito).