MacWyznawca / homebridge-mqtt-switch-tasmota

Plugin to HomeBridge optimized to work with firmware Sonoff-Tasmota, MQTT.
MIT License
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the status of the switch is not changed, but is State = 0 #66

Open camelcamro opened 1 year ago

camelcamro commented 1 year ago

hi, i see that the status of the switch is different as on the others, so, what i mean, the device is not reachable (no network conenction), and still the icon in homebridge is not different ? why ?

an example config: { "accessory": "mqtt-switch-tasmota", "switchType": "switch", "name": "Light_Street_1", "url": "mqtt://", "username": "MQTT USER NAME", "password": "MQTT PASSWORD", "topics": { "statusGet": "stat/Light_Street_1/RESULT", "statusSet": "cmnd/Light_Street_1/POWER", "stateGet": "tele/Light_Street_1/STATE" }, "onValue": "On", "offValue": "Off", "activityTopic": "tele/Light_Street_1/LWT", "activityParameter": "Online", "startCmd": "cmnd/Light_Street_1/TelePeriod", "startParameter": "60" }

when i look to the device tab: then i can see: this still not graayed out or whatever ....

or would be then a different icon if offline ? or written in the icon the stqtus if online or offline ?

parameter what i can see under device => then the settings icon and showing me:

"Status Active | 0" which is OK, but the icon not shown different ? neither, it is possible to click on the icon, and then it is going to "ON", but as the device is offline, never can be switched on ...

any ideas ?

camelcamro commented 1 year ago

further more ..... another problem is: that it is not handling the status correct, i guess ... (the same config as above for this: "Light_Garten_1" which is not having a network conenction currently

see the logs:

[5.2.2023, 15:08:49] [Light_Street_1] Power state for 'Light_Street_1' is false [5.2.2023, 15:08:49] [Light_Street_1] Light_Street_1 - Activity Set : true [5.2.2023, 15:08:49] [Light_Garten_1] 'Light_Garten_1' is offline [5.2.2023, 15:08:49] [Light_Garten_1] Light_Garten_1 - Activity Set : undefined [5.2.2023, 15:08:49] [homebridge-mqtt-switch-tasmota] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Status Active': characteristic value expected boolean and received undefined. See for more info.