Macaulay2 / homebrew-tap

The Macaulay2 tap for Homebrew
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new 1.22 install can't find flint #196

Closed denham0 closed 1 year ago

denham0 commented 1 year ago

I've been trying to update to version 1.22 on OS X (13.6.1) but once I think I'm done, M2 crashes with the following error:

brew --prefix M2/bin/M2 dyld[5223]: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/flint/lib/libflint-17.dylib Referenced from: <238BE5E0-D968-3476-8D0E-FE68D564740F> /usr/local/Cellar/macaulay2/1.22_1/bin/M2-binary (etc.)

[denham:~]$ brew install flint Warning: flint 3.0.0 is already installed and up-to-date.

I'm a homebrew novice, so all I could think of doing was to remove the packages, reinstall, try again, and get the same results. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

denham0 commented 1 year ago

If it helps, flint passes its own tests:

brew test flint ==> Testing flint ==> /usr/bin/clang test.c -I/usr/local/Cellar/flint/3.0.0/include/flint -L/usr/local/Cellar ==> ./test 2

mahrud commented 1 year ago

Thank for the report. Give it another try now.

denham0 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Mahrud. It's good now. And gfan works too, which was really what prompted me to do the update in the first place.