Macavity / siyuan-database-properties-panel

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Editing the attributes directly in Database Properties Panel #11

Open Achuan-2 opened 1 month ago

Achuan-2 commented 1 month ago

it would be nice if this plugin can support editing the attributes directly in Database Properties Panel

Macavity commented 1 month ago

I know, that is a feature I want as well 😄

Achuan-2 commented 1 month ago

ref: API: "/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr"

// number
let res = await request("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241017095436-2wlgb7o',
    rowID: '20241017094453-65uzx7e',
    cellID: '20241017100212-eqifwx8',
    value: {
            "number": {
                "content": 3


// type: select
let res = await request("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241017094451-fu1pv7s',
    rowID: '20241017094453-65uzx7e',
    cellID: '20241017094455-9mj9255',
    value: {



// type: mSelect
let res = await request("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241017101851-kekovwz',
    rowID: '20241017094453-65uzx7e',
    cellID: '20241017102149-2jimfjh',
    value: {
            "mSelect": [{"content":"Fiction3"}]

Macavity commented 1 month ago

The main challenge with this is the amount of code required for the different fields to correctly mimic the original functionality. I don't want this to become a maintenance nightmare.

Achuan-2 commented 4 weeks ago

in siyuan v3.1.11, /api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr will do not need cellID (see


and rowID is docID, for a doc added to the database. It would be easier to change the value of attributes

// type: text
let res = await fetchSyncPost("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241102151935-gypad0k',
    rowID: '20211116001448-ny4lvyw', // docID
    value: {
            "text": {
                "content": 'hh\nhhh'

// number
let res = await fetchSyncPost("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241017095436-2wlgb7o',
    rowID: '20241017094453-65uzx7e', // docID
    value: {
            "number": {
                "content": 3


// type: single select
let res = await fetchSyncPost("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241017094451-fu1pv7s',
    rowID: '20241017094453-65uzx7e', // docID
    value: {



// type: multiple Select
let res = await fetchSyncPost("/api/av/setAttributeViewBlockAttr", {
    avID: '20241017094451-2urncs9',
    keyID: '20241017101851-kekovwz',
    rowID: '20241017094453-65uzx7e', // docID
    value: {
            "mSelect": [{"content":"Fiction3"}]

Macavity commented 4 weeks ago

Saving the data is the smallest problem, the main challenge is how to render the complex fields like Select or Relation.

Achuan-2 commented 4 weeks ago

Saving the data is the smallest problem; the main challenge is how to render complex fields like Select or Relation.

I'm sorry, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about rendering. Can't the functionality of the property panel be reused?

Macavity commented 4 weeks ago

Sadly siyuan doesn't expose these components, so they can't be imported into plugins.

It either needs to be copied into the code, or implemented completely - both choices are terrible.

Achuan-2 commented 4 weeks ago

If you encounter difficulties, you can submit issue in the repo of SiYuan. The developer should be willing to provide help.

Macavity commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, it would make sense to make a proposal for this. But this is not an "issue" or bug. Instead it would be a new feature for Siyuan - and then the discussions will take place if this actually makes sense or not.