Macck209 / Fishing101

Minecraft server-side mod. Adds multiple new fish-themed items, making fishing slightly more interesting.
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

Sorry for asking but... #2

Closed lAlexiel closed 11 months ago

lAlexiel commented 12 months ago

Is this a datapack or this mod is not compiled yet? I can't manage to make this mod work, i put in /mods folder and nothing happen... But in downloads on modrinth is only on .zip and not .jar... Sry i'm new on this and i don't know other way to ask you for help

Macck209 commented 12 months ago

First of all, did you put the mod into your server files or player files? It's server-side, meaning it will only work on servers. Second: this mod uses something called Polymer library - maybe the mod works, but the textures dont load in? Try /polymer generate-pack - this will generate the resource pack with the textures which you can use locally (send it to players/set up an auto-download when players join your server). You can also check with /give @p fishing101:sushi if the mod compiled and if the textures work. Zip is basically the same as .jar so this shouldnt be the issue. Let me know if any of this worked and have a nice day!

Ricoware commented 11 months ago

You have not provided a mod, you have only provided a zip of the source code. You cannot just put a zip file with source code in the mods folder of a server and expect anything to happen. The source code has to be compiled, and the resulting jar file is what is put in the server's mod folder.

Ricoware commented 11 months ago

@Macck209 I'm not sure why you liked my post. What I'm saying is that you need to compile your mod, and upload the compiled jar to Modrinth/Curse and here as a release, instead of expecting people who want to use your mod to compile it themselves.

Macck209 commented 11 months ago

@Ricoware Yeah, sorry about that. I've got what you were saying and I'm really thankful for pointing out my mistake (imagine if nobody told me this - How many more people would get confused!). Haven't had the time to fix this yet tho. Will probably do it later today. Thanks again and sorry @lAlexiel for providing an unfinished project :C

Macck209 commented 11 months ago

@lAlexiel Should work now, just download the new version from modrinth.

Ricoware commented 11 months ago

Nice, it's good to have everyone on the same page. :) I've downloaded the jar and I'm currently testing it on my private server. So far, so good!

lAlexiel commented 11 months ago

@Macck209 Tysm ♥

Macck209 commented 11 months ago

All right! I'm gonna close this issue. If anything else comes up, just open another one. Thanks!