Mach5 / supersonic

Open-source web-based media streamer and jukebox fork of Subsonic. Supports MP3, OGG, AAC and other streamable audio and video formats. Runs on Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac using Java.
226 stars 61 forks source link

Stop autoremoval of tracknumbers from title tag #26

Closed trapexit closed 12 years ago

trapexit commented 12 years ago

This behavior breaks with albums such as NIN's Ghosts I-IV which tracks are "01 Ghosts I", "24 Ghosts III" etc. Tracks end up being displayed and scrobbed as "Ghosts I", "Ghosts II", "Ghosts III", or "Ghosts IV".

timoreimann commented 12 years ago

Simple but effective patch. Thanks!

We should think about adding a small unit test sometime in the (near) future to guard against regressions (particularly those introduced from upstream). A prerequisite for that is to automate Android unit testing, however.