Mach5 / supersonic

Open-source web-based media streamer and jukebox fork of Subsonic. Supports MP3, OGG, AAC and other streamable audio and video formats. Runs on Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac using Java.
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Add Audio Focus functionality to Android app #8

Closed DBendit closed 12 years ago

DBendit commented 12 years ago

Summary of changes:

porkcharsui commented 12 years ago

I'm interested to see if this fixed an issue I've experienced with the app not giving back focus when nothing is playing.

DBendit commented 12 years ago

It should. It explicitly releases focus on manual pause and stop (i.e. reset()). Plus, if something else requests focus while Subsonic has it, it pauses and hands it off gracefully, then starts playing when the other app releases focus. That's why we don't need to track phone state anymore.

While we're here, how are we going to handle pull requests? Should we all just comment with approve or what needs to be fixed?

Further, should I keep developing in my own fork? Or just kill it off after this merge and work in branches on this repo for now on?

porkcharsui commented 12 years ago

I'm loading it up now on my Evo so i'll let you know if it fixes my issue.

I moved the project to the Mach5 organization from my personal repo to better organize the project within Github's infrastructure. You'll need to update your git remotes to the new url in your clone.

I added you as a collaborator so you can commit directly to the project and avoid your own project fork all together. I'm still forming the best known process that we should use but issues seems like a forum for consensus.

Thanks again and welcome aboard!

timoreimann commented 12 years ago

This pull requests affects #50.