MachJok / 747-Data

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Load waypoint function in EFB INS page overrides all waypoints #25

Closed MachJok closed 2 years ago

MachJok commented 2 years ago

If a flight plan has more than 9 waypoints and is loaded into the EFB, trying to write from waypoint 10 the entire CIVA flight plan is overwritten. Suggestion: Flight plan write sequence should follow the Automatic Data Entry Unit (ADEU) flight plan logic Page 1: load waypoints 1-9 into CIVA 1-9 Page 2: load waypoints 10-16 into CIVA 1-7 Page 3: load waypoints 17-23 into CIVA 8-5 Page 4 load waypoints 24-30 into CIVA 6-3 etc.

The logic is as follows: Flying from departure waypoints 1-9 are loaded. When flying leg 8-9 the next set of waypoints need to be loaded. since 8 and 9 are currently in use, the only available waypoints to write to are 1-7. then when flying 6-7, the next waypoints can only go to 8->5.

Departure 9 waypoints loaded 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

Flying Leg 8-9 load waypoints 10-16 8-9--(1-2-3-4-5-6-7)

Flying Leg 6-7 load waypoints 17-23 6-7--(8-9-1-2-3-4-5)

Flying Leg 4-5 load 24-30 4-5--(6-7-8-9-1-2-3)

Flying Leg 2-3 load 31-37 2-3--(4-5-6-7-8-9-1) etc

FelisLeopard commented 2 years ago

Yes. That function is only for rewriting waypoints, using your flightplan and starting from specified waypoint. I made it to cut off initial position and maybe SID, that could be in your flightplan. Usually there is departure airport as a waypoint and you don't want it in your INS plan. This is why default number is 2 there.