MachUpskillingFY17 / JabbR-Core

Modern edition of JabbR chat client using .NET Core
MIT License
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Kevin/kick command #280

Closed kevinleung23 closed 7 years ago

kevinleung23 commented 7 years ago

Brought over Command/KickCommand.cs - Implemented and functionality works. Closes issue #231 , #286

Main Test Use Case

  1. Run project and login - user/password seems most stable method as of now (vs Social oAuth).
  2. Create a new chatroom or join a preexisting that you are an owner/admin - MUST be admin of room.
  3. Start a new browser (I chose Edge).
  4. Navigate Edge browser to local host home address. (https://localhost:44302/)
  5. Login to a different account.
  6. Join the same room - At this point you should be able to chat to each other and see each other in the room.
  7. On the Admin account, kick the other user "/kick <otherUser>".
    • Admin UI: "KevinKevin was kicked from kicktest by KevinIsAwesome".
    • Kicked UI: A dialog box should open announcing you are kicked.

Alternate Test Use Case Follow steps 1-2 in main test case. 3a. On Admin account, kick a nonexistent user.

Alternate Test Use Case Follow steps 1-2 in main test case. 3b. On Admin account, kick yourself.

Ping me with any questions. Thanks.

kevinleung23 commented 7 years ago

Added _repository.CommitChanges() to retain Admin state upon logout/login fixed #286

jcocchi commented 7 years ago

Kicking users works as described, but is inconsistent because of issue #285 This PR can be merged despite inconsistencies as the issue is beyond the scope of the kick command and already exists on dev :shipit:

adamtuliper commented 7 years ago

Merge/delete branch though ensure you keep latest versions in project.json