MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

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ME Wireless terminal infinite energy #686

Open popcorn9499 opened 8 years ago

popcorn9499 commented 8 years ago

All i need for infinite energy in modularpowersuits anything that holds power from appiled energistics. I have determinded that without applied energistics it doesnt occur. I dont know if this is something not fixable because i noticed it was on the issues as closed a long time ago. I just wanted to make sure you knew this still was happening.

Versions MC 1.7.10 Forge Applied energistics 2 RV3 Beta 4 Numina MPS

lehjr commented 8 years ago

Thanks. I wasn't even aware of this. For easy reference, this would be these bugs:

I believe it might have to do with how power is implemented, I don't think AE2's power is even implemented in MPS. I'll try and get it sorted some time this week.

MachineMuse commented 8 years ago

short answer as I recall is it's not fixable because of how AE2 implements the RF api and Algo had already disappeared by the time we updated MPS to 1.7.10, but we could blacklist the item or something?

lehjr commented 8 years ago

It's one of my favorite modules. I'll check on it this weekend and see if there's something I can do, if not then we can either disable it or live with it.

MachineMuse commented 8 years ago

The AE modules work fine. It's when you have e.g. a wireless AE tablet in your inventory with a charge, then the MPS feature of draining energy from your inventory will kick in and attempt to drain the AE tablet, but the AE tablet will not actually decrease its energy.

lehjr commented 8 years ago

Ah, that explains it. Yeah, AE2 isn't meant to supply RF, just consume it. However, I thought AE2 converts the power to it's own power type AE. I'm not sure if blacklisting the AE wireless terminal would be enough, as AE2 also has power storage devices, plus there are and addon mods like ExtraCells and Thaumic Energistics that have AE2 functionality. It might take some testing.

eyeonus commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to purposefully exclude anything from AE in the code that uses inventory energy storages?

lehjr commented 8 years ago

It would have to be anything that stores AE power, which is more than just AE2 itself. It might be easier to implement AE2's power which would allow draining.

popcorn9499 commented 8 years ago

Its basically that issue u were talking about. So i was thinking all you would need to do is basically setup what u dont want users to use for power? So if i dont want a capacitor from thermal expansion to power my suit i can have a config option server side for that? I hope this helps at all?

MachineMuse commented 8 years ago

I didn't know AE2 had that option @_@ well, we could do that. Having a server-configurable blacklist is also a good idea.

lehjr commented 8 years ago

The blacklist is probably something that should be implemented. Adding AE power should allow the power fist to be charged in the security terminal, I think. I'll look into the power issue this weekend, the blacklist code might be a bit longer.

MachineMuse commented 8 years ago

( ' . ' ) b

MachineMuse commented 8 years ago

could be a use case for the json SimpleItemMatcher in numina actually

popcorn9499 commented 8 years ago

ya i just thought a blacklist would be nice so if u have mods that and overpowered if u really wanted to make life difficult you can change those things. I will be really happy with this if that is fixed. I love this mod and just learned it was updated for 1.7.10 recently so its awesome to be using it again

lehjr commented 8 years ago

I should have something ready for this tomorrow. Not that it makes much difference for this bug, but the conversion ratio was backwards for AE power to MPS power.

lehjr commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I implemented IAEItemPowerStorage, which now makes the energy cells power the armor. However, tools and terminals use AEBasePoweredItem, which in turn use RF. It's not easy to implement. Tomorrow I need to do some more tests on unaltered code before I proceed.

lehjr commented 8 years ago

OK. So I took a step back and tested this with build 296 and the only terminal I am able to reproduce this with is the Wireless Essentia Terminal from Thaumic Energistics which implements a different power system. All of the other terminals drain until they run out of power.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to put this on the back burner for a bit while I work on porting the mod to 1.8.9

popcorn9499 commented 8 years ago

ok well. Maybe its because im runnning the ae rv3 betas? and i cant wait for all the mods to be updated to 1.8 :) great to see your doing that and thanks for looking at this abit

Iarinu commented 8 years ago

In fact this is a bug exists since the 1.6.4 version And it works with everything which contains RF but isn't supposed to be decharged, beside of it's normale usage. I've tested it with an ME Wireless Terminal, Charged Draconium Block (Draconic Evolution) , Electric Scoop (Gendustry), Staff of Traveling (EnderIO) and many many more. It always works. (Please tell me, if I'm wrong) My suggestion would be to implement a config option which allows disabling the recharge functions of the suit with items in the inventory or check somehow if the RF containing item is able of decharging Also I think this function is kind of OP, because you can have a huge energy storage in your inventory and use the suit forever, without the restrictions from the weight. Especially with Draconic Evolution and EnderIO since thoose mods implement huge RF storages. So, 2 reasons to disable this functionality

eyeonus commented 8 years ago

I've always find it mildly annoying, myself, and would not be unhappy if it was removed altogether. As far as making it something which can be turned on or off, I wouldn't say config option, I'd say installable module. An EXPENSIVE module.

DarkAyron commented 8 years ago

I think, it's a better idea to check if the RF from an item has been drained before consuming it instead of blacklisting a bunch of items. This would fix the problem for all items, which aren't dischargable.

lehjr commented 8 years ago

This is still on the back burner while I work on 1.8.9 That said, I have not yet looked at fully implementing AE2's power system yet. It's an option (I've seen it done), it's just not currently a priority.