MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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Client side crash due to Lux Capacitor Model rendering #829

Closed MJRLegends closed 6 years ago

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

See it contains already needed details

lehjr commented 6 years ago

Interesting. I'll look into this when I get a chance, but it will probably be a few days. I'm not sure if I'll be able to reproduce it or not, but I'll give it a shot. I do have some code from the 1.12.2 version that I'm working on that I can backport when it's done. It might help, might not. I just have to make sure I can do it without breaking any existing games.

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

Yeah i was able to reproduce it when i tested it so hopefully it will be reproduceable for you too

lehjr commented 6 years ago

The problem is my computer has a hard time just running the mod pack and with default setting's I only see single digit frame rates.

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

Oh rip haha

lehjr commented 6 years ago

Anything you can tell me about how you reproduced it? I tried to replicate the issue with 1.4.0 and couldn't.

eyeonus commented 6 years ago

MJR, the developer of the other mod, can't reproduce it either, and commented on that bug that he(?) thinks it's a Mac-only issue.

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

@aionys that turned out to be incorrect

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

@lehjr will see what i can do

eyeonus commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I saw that. :(

lehjr commented 6 years ago

This should be fixed in the latest build

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

@lehjr Nice thank you, just out of interest what was underline cause?

lehjr commented 6 years ago

I believe there were a few edge cases where the model was being called before it was fully loaded. The latest version contains a back port of the setup that will be used in the 1.12 version and should be far less error prone.

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

Nice i appreciate your work :D

lehjr commented 6 years ago

Should be a bit more efficient but I haven’t had a chance to check the numbers.

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

I will reopen this if i see anymore issues related to this, thanks for your time