MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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RailGun #847

Closed HideAwayDk closed 6 years ago

HideAwayDk commented 6 years ago

Hey :) I find the rail-gun a little wridet ? sometimes it works when i shot a zombie fx, but most time its just like the shot go right through em and they don't take any damage ? is this a knowen bug or ? :)

dash16 commented 6 years ago

I’m seeing this too. I’ve tried tweaking power output on the railgun and it doesn’t seem to help. Just randomly maybe one in 20 shots seem to actually connect and do damage.

lehjr commented 6 years ago

Just tested it and wasn't even able to damage a sheep at close range.

HideAwayDk commented 6 years ago

Well its maybe animal friendly :D

lehjr commented 6 years ago

I'll look into it this weekend. I'm currently working the ore scanner module, switching over to use the setup from Scannable. After that's finished I'll see what I can do.

HideAwayDk commented 6 years ago

Thanks :) 👍 Anyway have you made some documentation on how the new "weight" system works ? i'am having a bit trouble on how to figure it out, you know Armor slots vs not taking damage from falling fx and armor plate/energy shield vs not taking damage from mobs, and so on

lehjr commented 6 years ago

The weight mechanic is being replaced with a point based system where each item has so many points available to settings and installing modules. This was done because the weight mechanic can be circumvented and it really doesn't fit in with Minecraft, especially when you can store a mountain in your inventory with no penalty. All of the modules will likely need some level of tweaking in the settings. Keep in mind, this is still early in the Alpha phase.

HideAwayDk commented 6 years ago

I do understand lehjr :) just trying to make a good balance :)

lehjr commented 6 years ago

using a point based system has an advantage over the weight mechanic. The weight mechanic gets constantly checked and then applied to a movement limiter. The point based system only needs to be looked up when the Tinker table GUI is open and is applied individually for each item (even though the current display shows all of the points being used. That's actually just a leftover from the weight mechanic).

lehjr commented 6 years ago

Railgun issue is caused by an issue in the Entity ray trace code in MPS. It's supposed to figure out if the player is looking at a block, an entity, or nothing. The block code is pretty easy, but the entity code is currently broken.

The box to scan should be a box around the area to scan, and should change depending on the player's position and where the player is facing. While it does currently change position depending on player position, it does not currently do so depending on the direction the player is facing.

lehjr commented 6 years ago

This will be fixed in the next alpha