MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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Probable Rendering crash due to new Forge version (1.12.2) #885

Open gggg336 opened 5 years ago

gggg336 commented 5 years ago

Mod version: 1.12.2 Alpha-25 CodeChickenLib: The Betweenlands: 3.4.1 Forge version: 2796 Crash report:

I just finished upgrading the Power Fist (never held it until all the upgrades I wanted was in place) and wielded it for the first time caused the game to crash. Most likely due to the new forge versions changing how rendering is done, Applied Energistics 2 and Mekanism has problem rendering stuff properly for example. Unfortunately, I can't go back since some of the mods I am using has made the new forge versions where these problems occur a requirement.

I know what I am in for regarding an alpha build and all that, I just wanted to notify you, not push you, hope you understand.

lehjr commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I'll dig into this. Hopefully I can come up with something that won't break compatibility with the "recommended" version of Forge.

lehjr commented 5 years ago

Tried replicating this, but couldn't. On the bright side, no code changes were needed for updating Forge.

gggg336 commented 5 years ago

Tried an empty (non-upgraded) power fist and it still crashed in the same way, I do have CCL configured a little different to try and recover from a crash mainly due to some older mods not being compatible with the new rendering system. I think it is safe for me to turn that off again though, I believe I already disabled the offending items. Will check back.

Edit: Nope, doesn't help.

lehjr commented 5 years ago

I don't even see any configuration options for CodeChicken lib except catching render exceptions and whether or not to attempt recovery on exception. Unfortunately, if I can't reproduce it, I can't troubleshoot it and fix it.