MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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Power Tool Not Harvesting 1.12.2 #904

Open WhiteWiterWulf opened 5 years ago

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

when using the power tool to mine ore/stone it destroys it instead of harvesting (even with the diamond pick upgrade) but it works on wood/grass just fine

lehjr commented 5 years ago

Do you have the nescessary mining modules and power available?

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

i have the ultimate battery (totally full on power) the pickaxe tool fully overclocked and the duamond drill upgrade

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago


lehjr commented 5 years ago

Is it charged? Edit: What version of the mod are u using. Also logs might be helpful.

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

image yes its full charge i have included a pic of the tool itself (hope it shows im a noob tto this kinda thing)

lehjr commented 5 years ago

What 1.12.2 version is that?

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

the filename is ModularPowersuits-1.12.2-ALPHA-34 itis the most recent one on the twitch/curse launcher

lehjr commented 5 years ago

Interesting. Anything in the logs?

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

im not sure how to check logs. As a side note if it helps im playing Enigmaticia 2 Expert its not baseline in the pack i added it myself cause i love the mod but could that maybe be the issue?

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

i found the most recent log (its about 24 mins ago) what am i looking for in it

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

it was actually 4 mins ago i looked at the wrong line

lehjr commented 5 years ago

I’ll have to check tomorrow to see if it’s something I can repeoduce. Generally, if it’s not something I can reproduce, it’s almost impossible to fix. It could be something that got broken in an update or something getting broken by another mod. As far as what to look for in the logs, could be anything.

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

ok no worries i just wanted to bring it to attention (i wouldnt be shocked if it was a user error of some kind on my part) but thank you for trying to help!

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

also as a side note the rest of the tools i have on it seem to work fine shovel axe light all seem to work normally

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

the pack creator sid all the minig levels of ores and such have been customized for this pack could that be the issue?

lehjr commented 5 years ago

That could be the issue. I’ll know more when I look at it. But IF it turns out to be the the problem, not anything I can do on my end.

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

i can open a diff pack and give it a go and let you know what happens if iti would help take some of the work off your shoulders

lehjr commented 5 years ago

I have a mod pack that I was testing.. can’t remember the name now, but it was working yesterday. Still though, doesn’t hurt to try another. My best guess is that messing with the harvest level probably is the problem, but I’d still like to confirm it.

But as I said, if that is the issue, there won’t be anything I can do on my end.

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

im loading up direwolf 20s 1.12.2 kitchen sink pack to test it

WhiteWiterWulf commented 5 years ago

ok so i just confirmed it works in direwolf 20 1.12.2 so it has to be the tweaking of the mining lvl enigmatica2 experts creator did not a bug with the mod sorry to waste your time but i appreciate you trying to help very much

lehjr commented 5 years ago

Well, still good to know about. Might be able to figure out a way around it someday.