MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
234 stars 103 forks source link

Lux capacitor texture broken #934

Closed XCOYoshi closed 5 years ago

XCOYoshi commented 5 years ago

Version info Java version:1.8.0_211 Minecraft Forge version:


To Reproduce

start a World and place a luxcapatitator

Mod list

Smallest sub-list that still produces issue, if any exclusion testing was done:

Log files

Found This could be related:

[17:04:34] [Client thread/FATAL] [rs_ctr]: The following mods attempted to register textures into a texture atlas they don't belong:
- cofh
- industrialforegoing
- buildcraftlib
- immersiveengineering
- thermaldynamics
- buildcraftsilicon
- buildcraftenergy
- buildcrafttransport
- genetics
- bibliocraft
- thermalfoundation
- ic2
- buildcraftbuilders
- reborncore
- topaddons
- buildcraftfactory
- appliedenergistics2
- blockcraftery
- ae2stuff
- railcraft
- thermalexpansion
- xreliquary
- buildcraftcompat
- chisel
- computercraft
- ftblib
- flatcoloredblocks
- thaumcraft
- peripheralsplusone
- forge
- mysticallib
- twilightforest
- chiselsandbits
- buildcraftcore
- techreborn
- magicbees
- forestry
- extratrees
Modders please check whether the TextureMap given in texture stitch event is actually the one you want to register to!
lehjr commented 5 years ago

Tried the base pack without the mods you added and it works fine. If you want to take the time to drill down exactly what mod is causing this issue be my guest. As far as the error message goes, it probably is related. Seems CD4017BE created a separate TextureAtlas when only one is expected, and likely this is related to the issue.

XCOYoshi commented 5 years ago

ok fixt it