MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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[1.14.4 ?] planning and progress #936

Open lehjr opened 5 years ago

lehjr commented 5 years ago

I've decided to skip 1.13.2 and go to 1.14.2 1.14.4. As always, there will be some changes to the mod due to changes in Minecraft and Forge.

I'll update this as time goes on...

lehjr commented 4 years ago

Yes. There have been other recent attempts like Nova, Rift, and now Fabric.

Among other things, Nova was supposed to replace the need for porting a mod from one version of Minecraft to the next. What makes that ironic is it being a Calclavia project, especially since he couldn't even maintain compatibility between his mod release on the same version of Minecraft.

Rift was created for 1.13.x mainly because Forge development was taking forever, largely because of a massive cleanup effort, that and waiting for certain people to finish certain things.

Fabric is basically a 1.14.x successor to Rift with what's been described as an "everything is a coremod" approach.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

The 1.12.2 backport of MPA-Lib and the 1.12.2 side port of MPS to use MPA-Lib are both almost finished. The backport of MPA will take a bit longer due to the need to create recipes for the modules.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

1.12.2 backport of MPA-Lib is done and up. I have a test build for MPS done, but I haven't uploaded it yet. I will be working on MPS2MPA this weekend as well as MPA-RecipeCreator.

MPS2MPA will be a mod for turning MPS items into MPA items, a small 1.12.2 only mod. MPA-RecipeCreator will be a utility mod for creating recipes for MPA, and will help me get MPA out much sooner. This one will be used for future versions.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

The recipe creator is coming along. I started with this mod which hasn't been updated in a long time: Basically, the GUI design wasn't horrible, but used all MInecraft controls and elements and limitations, so I've been editing it to use the MPS/MPS styling and filling in the gaps by creating new controls and elements. So far it looks like this: 2019-12-12_11 05 59 .

eyeonus commented 4 years ago

I remember using that in my games before. It's pretty decent.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

The basic GUI work is about 80% finished. I still need to write the code that turns the recipe into a json file, but that’s the easy part. The up side of this is that porting this to 1.14.4 is pretty trivial. The GUI probably won’t get the kind of polish that MPS or MPA got, only because this is a pretty limited purpose tool, mainly for me to create the missing module recipes, but also for server admins and mod pack authors to create their own customized recipes.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

Ok, so a little update, since it's been awhile. I'm still working on that recipe creator tool.. yeah, still, and still on 1.12.2. I've slimmed down the GUI so it only has elements that are relative to the mod. So that part is all done. The only thing is left is to finish the JSON parts of it, where it displays the recipe in a scrollable frame, and then writes it to a file when finished.

Once that's finished, I will be porting some updates to MPA-Lib for 1.14.44, and working on the next update of MPA. Unfortunately, I don't know how much I will be able to do in 1.12.2, since Forge has recently ended support for it. A recent update in OpenJDK has broken it, and I've had to install an older, unsecure version as a work around. On the other hand, they've given 1.14.4 LTS support, which is kind of a first, at least officially. I think there I'll finally be able to implement some of the things from earlier wish lists.

EzerArch commented 4 years ago

Hey, let me ask you a thing: should we better follow this repo or the


lehjr commented 4 years ago

Thanks! For now, I'll probably just post here until the mod is closer to a beta or release state.

I've decided to just move the development of the recipe creator to 1.14.4 due to issues with older Forge gradle and Java 8. On the plus side, this means I'll be back to working on the mod itself sooner rather than later. The downside is it means I probably won't be putting much more effort into anything older unless those versions are fixed to work with Forge Gradle 3.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

1.14.4 progress for the recipe creator:

2020-02-15_10 43 59

lehjr commented 4 years ago

Sadly, after spending the entire day figuring out how to load the conditions from MPA into MPA Recipe Creator, it looks like none of the conditions regarding other mods will be of any use anyway, since the other mods have yet to update or have gone to Fabric and cannot be loaded with Forge. I'll finish it up anyway, since it may someday be of use.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

I'm currently testing the mod in 1.14.4 to see what it is at and what it needs. One thing I did notice is that a lot of mods seem to have already gone to 1.15.2. I don't know if I should finish up 1.14.4 and then go to 1.15.2, or if I should just start now. I'm not even sure what the changes are yet, so it might not be that difficult.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

Recipe creator is pretty much done. It's not perfect, but it will get the job done.

  "result": {
    "item": "modularpowerarmor:component_wiring",
    "count": 8
  "conditions": [
      "type": "forge:mod_loaded",
      "modid": "centralizedmaterials"
  "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped",
  "mirrored": true,
  "pattern": [
    "   ",
    "   "
  "key": {
    "F": {
      "tag": "forge:ingots/copper"
    "O": {
      "tag": "forge:dusts/redstone"
lehjr commented 4 years ago

So far I've got quite a few bugs fixed and quite a few things working. I will be making some changes before the next release.

That's pretty much it for now.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

vein mining now no longer depends on outside mods.

lehjr commented 4 years ago

Was hoping to have another alpha out this past weekend, but there are a couple broken modules that need to be fixed first, the raigun which currently does no damage, and the diamond drill upgrade module which does not work. A fix for the railgun is in progress, but not finished. The diamond drill upgrade might be dropped and just do the same level of mining with the pickaxe module... just change the recipe to reflect the change. I'm not sure yet.

EzerArch commented 4 years ago

Another video with MPS + other mods, this time with Elytra on 1.12.2:

To be able to use the elytra, I have to take the chest piece off. Since there's the Glider module, it could emulate the elytra in the new version, couldn't it?

lehjr commented 4 years ago

Elytra behavior is hard coded in vanilla and still requires core modding. It’s not impossible, it’s just a bit lower on the priority list. It’s on the list, just not at the top.

lehjr commented 2 years ago

Another video with MPS + other mods, this time with Elytra on 1.12.2:

To be able to use the elytra, I have to take the chest piece off. Since there's the Glider module, it could emulate the elytra in the new version, couldn't it?

Looks like Elytra flight should finally be relatively simple to implement without a bunch of hackery.