MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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(1.12.2) With Forestry Installed, Power Fist Behaves As If Grafter Is Installed When It Is Not. #983

Closed TeetoKaziim closed 3 years ago

TeetoKaziim commented 3 years ago

Version info Java Version: 1.8.0_242, AdoptOpenJDK Minecraft Forge version:

Describe the bug Even with no augments installed, and no power available, the Power Fist behaves as if it has a grafter installed

To Reproduce

Install Modular Powersuits, Numina, and Forestry. Acquire Power Fist. Apply no augments, acquire for it no source of power. Break leaf blocks with it in survival mode. You will get a sapling every time.

Expected behavior

Without the Grafter augment installed, I expected to get the relatively sparse default sapling drop rate.

Mod list

Just Enough Items: Forestry: Numina: 1.12.2-.10.38 MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits: 1.12.2-1.0.46

Log files

EzerArch commented 3 years ago

@TeetoKaziim MPS is dead and reborn as MPA: