MachineMuse / MachineMusePowersuits

Minecraft mod, take 2
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Armor values arent added on powersuits with other modules installed #997

Open Natemac327 opened 2 years ago

Natemac327 commented 2 years ago

Version info Java version: Minecraft Forge version: 36.2.4

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. The armor values are not being added for some modules even though they are installed

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: I believe this only occurs when there are other modules installed, the chest and leg pieces only stopped working after the Kinetic generator and wings were installed, and on the legs, after sprint assist and jump assist were installed in my multiplayer server. on all the components that are configurable, they were maxed out, this happened in both single player as well, whereas in singleplayer, the energy shields didnt work for the helmet and feet as well, with those having extra configureable modules added to them too.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. for the armor to take effect.

Mod list Including versions, provided by crash report if game crashed: Tinkers Construct HT's tree chop 0.14.5 Structurize alpha 0.13.129 Minecolonies 1.0.0 release mantle 1.6.123 journey map 5.7.3 Iron Chests 11.2.13 Numina 2.0.10 Machine Muses modular power suits 1.0.0 JEI

Smallest sub-list that still produces issue, if any exclusion testing was done:

Log files (Link to pastebin, gist, or other hosting site preferred, file attachment okay.) Game2021-09-14-1.log.gzrred in): Crash report (if issue caused game to crash): Server log (if issue occurred on a server, make sure it's the log generated during the gameplay the issue occurred in): Server crash report (if issue caused server to crash):

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.