MachinePublishers / jBrowserDriver

A programmable, embeddable web browser driver compatible with the Selenium WebDriver spec -- headless, WebKit-based, pure Java
809 stars 143 forks source link

Version 1 release #306

Open hollingsworthd opened 6 years ago

hollingsworthd commented 6 years ago

Release version 1 and create release notes to document all changes since v0.17.0 released Oct 2016.

Version 1 will not be much different than v0.17.10 but will be a good opportunity to fix bugs. No new features. Focus is on compatibility with OS's, Java versions including Java 9, and build/dependency issues.

ArloL commented 6 years ago

Looking forward to the version 1 release :) jbrowserdriver is an amazing piece of work. Thanks!