MachinePublishers / jBrowserDriver

A programmable, embeddable web browser driver compatible with the Selenium WebDriver spec -- headless, WebKit-based, pure Java
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Can jBrowserDriver load flash? #334

Closed TiantianUpup closed 4 years ago

TiantianUpup commented 5 years ago

I want to use jBrowserDriver to play video Here is my code:

JBrowserDriver driver = new JBrowserDriver(Settings.builder().timezone(Timezone.ASIA_SHANGHAI).build());
ImageIO.write(new AShot().coordsProvider(new WebDriverCoordsProvider())
                "png", new File("Users\\hetiantian\\Desktop\\test.png"));       

By looking up Screenshot, I find it doesn't work.Because it can't load flash I review some infomation, but still can't resolve it Can you help me, thanks in advance

hollingsworthd commented 4 years ago

I suppose you've long moved past this, but for the record, no it cannot load flash.