MachineVisionUiB / machinevision

We are developing a database to map and interpret the representations and uses of machine vision technologies in digital art, computer games and narratives such as science fiction novels, movies and creepypasta.
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Drop all lagacy user groups from installation #108

Closed steinmb closed 4 years ago

steinmb commented 4 years ago

We inherited all user groups from ELMCIP but after migrating to Drupal 9 we are free to drop them and we should. If some users need extended access lets make them on demand.


Drop all groups except administrator group.

How to test


steinmb commented 4 years ago

@jilltxt - All non needed user user groups are removed. Looks OK. Discovered that regular auth. users did not have access to administration theme something is rather silly since we have config saying it should be used add/editing content. That have now been addressed.