MachineVisionUiB / machinevision

We are developing a database to map and interpret the representations and uses of machine vision technologies in digital art, computer games and narratives such as science fiction novels, movies and creepypasta.
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Check if "Teased" status for creators is neutral #124

Closed ragsol closed 3 years ago

ragsol commented 3 years ago

I don't know if this does anything, but I stumbled upon this status today: image

Clicking the status lists a whole bunch of creators (Person) that are linked to this word, and the word itself has the URL /verbs/teased (, so could it be a verb on the run?

ragsol commented 3 years ago

It only shows "teased" on the creators that have backlinks to their works. So it probably doesn't do anything weird with the data itself, but kind of weird that it's not for all creators.

steinmb commented 3 years ago

Confirm that, yes, this is odd. Started digging into this months ago but I got side tracked...

It is real, but seems to be left over from old and incorrect config/migration, perhaps. Difficult to say. Person records do not have record status and they do not have any ref. to our verbs taxonomy, so anyhow it is plain wrong.

Alos checked directly with the database:

SELECT taxonomy_index.sticky  AS taxonomy_index_sticky,
       taxonomy_index.created AS taxonomy_index_created,
       node_field_data.nid    AS nid
FROM node_field_data
         LEFT JOIN taxonomy_index ON node_field_data.nid = taxonomy_index.nid
WHERE ((taxonomy_index.tid = '1489'))
  AND (taxonomy_index.status = '1')

And got 179 person ids.

| taxonomy_index_sticky | taxonomy_index_created | nid  |
|                     0 |             1547560762 |    3 |
|                     0 |             1551033459 |    9 |
|                     0 |             1551183737 |   16 |
|                     0 |             1551184198 |   18 |
|                     0 |             1551187795 |   22 |
|                     0 |             1551696120 |   27 |
|                     0 |             1551696486 |   28 |
steinmb commented 3 years ago

Written a update hook that spins through all person nodes. After it is done is empty. It also flushed out a incomplete person node that I manually had to address.

$ (cd web ; ../vendor/bin/drush updatedb)
 --------------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------------------
  Module                Update ID   Type            Description
 --------------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------------------
  machinevision_setup   9001        hook_update_n   9001 - Update all person nodes.
 --------------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------------------

>  [notice] Update started: machinevision_setup_update_9001
>  [error]  Last name missing. Failed updating node 1439
>  [error]  Update failed: machinevision_setup_update_9001
 [error]  Update aborted by: machinevision_setup_update_9001
 [error]  Finished performing updates.

$ (cd web ; ../vendor/bin/drush updatedb)
 --------------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------------------
  Module                Update ID   Type            Description
 --------------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------------------
  machinevision_setup   9001        hook_update_n   9001 - Update all person nodes.
 --------------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------------------

>  [notice] Update started: machinevision_setup_update_9001
>  [notice] Update completed: machinevision_setup_update_9001
 [success] Finished performing updates.